- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page, select Reports.
- Select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice for Accelerated Reader and Reading Practice reports. You can also get to these reports by selecting any "Reports" link from within Accelerated Reader.
- Select Star / Assessment for Star reports. You can also get to these reports by selecting Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, or Star Math on the Renaissance Home page and then selecting Reports in the drop-down list that opens.
- Select Math Practice for Accelerated Math reports. You can also get to these reports by selecting any "Reports" link from within Accelerated Math IP.
- Select Administrator for Administrator reports.
- Select My Created Reports for reports you have created yourself.
How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- In the sidebar on the left, under “My Data,” select Reports.
- If you know the name of the report you’re looking for, use the Search for reports field at the top of the sidebar on the left to search for it (search results link directly to the corresponding reports):
- Select one of the links in the sidebar to access specific types of reports:
- Star / Assessment: Select Reports for all Star reports, or Data Insights for Star data insights
- Star CBM: Select Data Insights for Star CBM data insights, or Caregiver Report for the Star CBM Caregiver Report
- Star Phonics Reports: View reports on the Screener or Diagnostics assessments
- Accelerated Reader Reports: View all Accelerated Reader and Reading Practice reports
- Freckle Reports: View all Freckle reports, including ELA reports, math reports, and Report Cards
- myON Reports: View all myON reports
- Lalilo Reports: View all Lalilo reports, including the Answer Report and admin reports for district/school administrators
- Data Sharing: Select to share Renaissance application data with a state-level reporting service or data warehouse (district administrators only)
- Custom Reports: View any custom reports you have made yourself
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
The Reports page shows the reports and dashboards available in Renaissance. One tab will already be open based on your path to this page, but you can select any tab you wish, which will allow you to view the reports and dashboards that focus on students' work and performance in the following categories:
- Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice—Accelerated Reader 360 Independent Reading, Accelerated Reader 360 Assigned Reading, and reading assessments in Star Custom
- Star / Assessment—both the English and Spanish versions of Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star Math; assessments in Star Custom are also found here
- Math Practice—Accelerated Math IP and math assessments in Star Custom
- Administrator—Gives broader views of how students are performing in different areas throughout a school district (these reports are generally not available for teachers, although they can be given permission to use them)
- My Created Reports—Here, you can access your own custom-made reports. When you create a report, you give it a unique name and select the types of data you want to appear on it; you are then able to regenerate the report whenever you wish.
On each tab (except My Created Reports), the reports are organized based on their overall function (see table below). At the top of each tabbed page is the Pinned Reports space. If there are reports or dashboards that you use frequently, you can pin them to this section by selecting the pushpin icon in the upper-right corner. You can pin as many items as you like; select the icon on a pinned item to un-pin it.
Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice tab
Monitor Progress
- Summary Diagnostic Report: Summarizes student performance on assignments, showing progress towards goals and potential problems.
- Student Performance Record Report: Shows individual student performance on each assignment or quiz.
- AR Record Book & Goals: View each student's latest quiz results and set goals. You can select a student to see details and take action.
- Schoolwide Summary Report: Summarizes class and grade level performance.
- TWI Report: Summarizes students' reading on books read To, With, and Independently.
- Independent Reading Diagnostic Report: Shows current independent reading data, and groups students according to independent reading performance.
- Marking Period Progress Report: Shows progress of a class or group as a whole from marking period to marking period.
Certification and Achievement
- Word Count Report: Shows how many words each student has read based on Reading Practice, Other Reading, and Article Quizzes.
- Goal History Report: Shows student performance toward goals over time.
- Goals Met Report: Shows students who met/did not meet goals.
- Point Club Summary Report: Lists students who qualify for point clubs.
- Certificates for Student Achievement Report: Provides certificates to recognize student achievement of new Reader Certification levels.
- Certificate Levels Report: Shows the Reader Certification levels each student has achieved within Accelerated Reader.
Management Reports
- Track Student Work Dashboard: Shows the status of your assignments and assessments and what action you need to take (such as scoring or review).
- Book Labels Report: Lists printable book labels.
- Quiz List Report: Provides all information about selected quizzes.
- Review Results Dashboard: Shows student scores and achievement by Lesson Plan, assignment, skill, or item type.
Mastery Status
- Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard (Reading): Summarizes students' mastery of domains, standards, skills, and subskills based on data from Star tests, Accelerated Reader 360, Accelerated Math Instructional Practice, and Star Custom.
- Skills Status Report: Shows student status for each skill.
- Student Mastery Record Report: Lists all skills in Beginning, Developing, and Secured mastery, including average performance on each skill.
- Words Learned Report: Lists all the words answered correctly on Vocabulary Practice Quizzes for each selected student.
- Ranking Report: Shows a ranking of students based on skills mastered or scores.
Quiz Usage
- Quiz Takers Report: Shows students' activity on selected Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes within a selected time period.
- Reading Trends Dashboard: Shows the top and bottom results for the number of quizzes taken, quiz ratings for Reading Practice Quizzes, or percent correct among selected students.
Parent Reports
- Practice Parent Report: Provides a printable student progress report for parents or guardians; available in English and Spanish.
- Home Connect Send Home Letter: Provides information to parents that allows parents and students to log in to the software from home using Home Connect.
Star / Assessment tab
Screening and Instructional Planning
- Star Screening Report: Graphs students' placement above and below benchmarks based on Star scores.
- Star Record Book: Shows assessment scores for Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, and Star Math. This also includes scores for any state summative test data you have imported, which are converted to the Star scale that you select.
- Instructional Planning - Student Report: Provides a list of recommended skills for individualized instruction based on the most recent student activity.
- Instructional Planning - Class Report: Provides a list of recommended skills for a group or class based on the most recent student activity.
- Star Goal History Report: Shows student performance toward goals over time.
Growth and Progress
- Star Growth Report: Shows growth for a group of students over time, with emphasis on Student Growth Percentile (SGP).
- Star Student Progress Monitoring Report: Graphs an individual student's progress towards Star goals.
- Star Annual Progress Report: Graphs student progress over a school year.
- Star Test Record Report: Shows individual results for tests taken within a specific date range.
State Performance and Mastery
- Star State Performance - Student Report: Graphs a student's pathway to proficiency on the state summative test.
- Star State Performance - Class Report: Graphs the percentage of students on the pathway to proficiency on the state summative test.
- State Standards Mastery - Class Report: Shows students' levels of mastery in relation to state standards based on the students' most recent assessments and assignments.
- Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard (Reading): Summarizes students' mastery of domains, standards, skills, and subskills based on data from Star Early Literacy and Star Reading tests, Accelerated Reader 360, and Star Custom.
- Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard (Math): Summarizes students' mastery of domains, standards, skills, and subskills based on data from Star Math tests, Accelerated Math Instructional Practice, and Star Custom.
- Star Diagnostic Report: Displays individual student scores and test time from a single test.
- Star ACT®/SAT® Readiness Report (Grades 9–12): Graphs whether students are on track to reach ACT or SAT college and career readiness benchmarks based on Star scores.
Test Status and Results
- Star Test Activity Report: Shows students who have and have not tested during a specific date range.
- Star Summary Report: Lists scores for a group within a specific date range.
- Review Results Dashboard: Lists student scores and achievement by Lesson Plan, assignment, skill, or item type.
- Track Student Work Dashboard: Shows the status of your assignments and assessments and what action you need to take (such as scoring or review).
- Star Reading Range Report: Provides reading range information for each student.
Star Custom
- Star Student Performance Record Report: Shows individual student performance on each assignment or quiz.
- Skills Status Report: Shows student status for each skill.
- Student Mastery Record Report: Lists all skills in Beginning, Developing, and Secured mastery, including average performance on each skill.
- Item Responses Dashboard: Shows data on responses chosen for assignment items.
Parent and Other Reports
- Star Parent Report: Provides a printable information letter for parents or guardians; available in English and Spanish.
- Star Family Report: Provides printable informational letter for families, including benchmark level and domain scores, available in English and Spanish.
- Home Connect Send Home Letter: Provides information to parents about how to log in to Home Connect so that they can sign up to receive emails when their children complete a Star test.
- 3rd Grade Reading Proficiency Assessment – Student Score: Results of the 3rd Grade Reading Gate test.
- 3rd Grade Reading Proficiency Assessment - Student Score Summary: Summary of the 3rd Grade Reading Gate test.
Math Practice tab
Monitor Progress
- Summary Diagnostic Report: Summarizes student performance on assignments, showing progress towards goals and potential problems.
- Student Performance Record Report: Shows individual student performance on each assignment.
- Schoolwide Summary Report: Summarizes class and grade level performance.
- Marking Period Progress Report: Shows progress of a class or group as a whole from marking period to marking period.
Management Reports
- Track Student Work Dashboard: Shows the status of your assignments and assessments and what action you need to take (such as scoring or review).
- Review Results Dashboard: Lists student scores and achievement by Lesson Plan, assignment, skill, or item type.
Mastery Status
- Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard (Math): Summarizes students' mastery of domains, standards, skills, and subskills based on data from Star tests, Accelerated Reader 360, Accelerated Math Instructional Practice, and Star Custom.
- Skills Status Report: Shows student status for each skill.
- Student Mastery Record Report: Lists all skills in Beginning, Developing, and Secured mastery, including average performance on each skill.
Other Reports
- Practice Parent Report: Provides a printable student progress report for parents or guardians; available in English and Spanish.
- Ranking Report: Shows a ranking of students based on skills mastered or scores.
Customizable Reports
- Consolidated Progress Report: Compares student achievement in one or two products over time.
- Consolidated Ranking Report: Shows how students in each group performed on selected assessments in the reporting periods you select, and ranks scores.
- Consolidated Status Report: Shows how students in each group performed on selected assessments in the reporting periods you select.
- Consolidated Implementation Status Report: Provides the results of students' math skills and reading practice for one reporting period.
- Consolidated Assessment Proficiency Report: Provides statistics on the number and percentage of students who did and did not participate in each test and the number who are proficient based on the value you select.
- Consolidated State Performance Report: Lets you use the results of Star Math and/or Star Reading assessments to determine the student performance outlook on state tests.
- Consolidated Summary Report: Summarizes scores for one Renaissance Star product.
- Consolidated School-to-Home Report: Summarizes one student's work in all Renaissance programs in a report that can be given to parents.
Star Benchmarks
- Longitudinal Report: Shows growth over multiple years.
Growth & Mastery
- State Standards Mastery - District/School Report: Estimates mastery on state standards or Common Core State Standards at the district or school level.
My Created Reports tab
Initially, the only tile on the page will be Create New Report (which will always remain visible on the page). Once you create reports, they will be shown on this page. You will also see links where you can download (or delete) PDF and CSV versions of reports you have created in the past 14 months.
color printing and reports
In some instances, your printer settings in your web browser may cause items to fail to appear in reports. If this happens, double-check your browser settings and make sure that background graphics are set to be printed.
export options for reports
Several reports allow for data to be exported from the report into comma-separated value (CSV) or Microsoft Excel (XLS) files:
- Consolidated Assessment Proficiency Report
- Consolidated Implementation Status Report
- Consolidated Ranking Report
- Consolidated State Performance Report
- Consolidated Status Report
- Consolidated Summary Report
- Growth Proficiency Chart
- My Created Reports
- Star Diagnostic Report
- Star Family Report
- Star Growth Report
- Star Record Book
- Star Screening Report
- Star Summary Report
- Star Test Activity Report
- State Standards Mastery - Class Report
Note that some reports don’t show the export option until after you generate a report. If you want to export data that isn’t on one of these reports, consider using the Historical Extract.