
  1. Log in to Renaissance.
  2. On the Home page, select Reports.

How do I get to this page?

  1. Log in to Renaissance.
  2. In the sidebar on the left, under “My Data,” select Reports.
  3. If you know the name of the report you’re looking for, use the Search for reports field at the top of the sidebar on the left to search for it (search results link directly to the corresponding reports):
  4. Select one of the links in the sidebar to access specific types of reports:

Who can do this with default user permissions?

District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers

The Reports page shows the reports and dashboards available in Renaissance. One tab will already be open based on your path to this page, but you can select any tab you wish, which will allow you to view the reports and dashboards that focus on students' work and performance in the following categories:

On each tab (except My Created Reports), the reports are organized based on their overall function (see table below). At the top of each tabbed page is the Pinned Reports space. If there are reports or dashboards that you use frequently, you can pin them to this section by selecting the pushpin icon in the upper-right corner. You can pin as many items as you like; select the icon on a pinned item to un-pin it.

Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice tab

Monitor Progress

Certification and Achievement

Management Reports

Mastery Status

Quiz Usage

Parent Reports

Star / Assessment tab

Screening and Instructional Planning

Growth and Progress

State Performance and Mastery

Test Status and Results

Star Custom

Parent and Other Reports

Math Practice tab

Monitor Progress

Management Reports

Mastery Status

Other Reports

Customizable Reports

Star Benchmarks

Growth & Mastery

My Created Reports tab

Initially, the only tile on the page will be Create New Report (which will always remain visible on the page). Once you create reports, they will be shown on this page. You will also see links where you can download (or delete) PDF and CSV versions of reports you have created in the past 14 months.

color printing and reports

In some instances, your printer settings in your web browser may cause items to fail to appear in reports. If this happens, double-check your browser settings and make sure that background graphics are set to be printed.

export options for reports

Several reports allow for data to be exported from the report into comma-separated value (CSV) or Microsoft Excel (XLS) files:

Note that some reports don’t show the export option until after you generate a report. If you want to export data that isn’t on one of these reports, consider using the Historical Extract.